“A Ship is a Most Unpleasant Thing”: Mary Delany and the Irish Sea

As part of Cork Harbour Festival which took place from the 4th – 14th of June, Nano Nagle Place are delighted to host “A Ship is a Most Unpleasant Thing”: Mary Delany and the Irish Sea.

Kristina Decker discusses Mary Delany’s relationship with the Irish Sea and is joined afterwards by panellists Professor Claire Connolly (University College Cork) and Dr Gillian O’Brien (Liverpool John Moore’s University). to discuss sea travel in the 18th and early 19th century.

Claire’s Projects can be found at the links below: Ports Past and Present: https://portspastpresent.eu Curious Travellers: https://curioustravellers.ac.uk/en/ Elizabeth Edwards, “Women and the Ireland-Wales Crossing: https://portspastpresent.eu/items/sho…

Gillian’s book can be bought at: https://www.nanonagleplacedesignshop….

Visit Nano Nagle Place’s website to keep up to date with the latest events: https://nanonagleplace.ie/nanoevents/

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