Heritage Week – The Presentation Sisters in Waterford by Eamonn McEaneaney

Tuesday, Aug 15th, 14.00 – 15.00, Heritage Lecture Theatre


Eamonn McEneaney, recently retired director of Waterford Museums, will deliver a lecture on the Presentation Sisters in Waterford.

Eamonn grew up opposite the beautiful Presentation Convent on Slievekeale Road, designed by the famous Gothic Revival architect Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin. In this lecture, Eamonn will explore the story behind the Presentation Sisters invitation to Waterford by Edmond Rice, and the development of the sisters from their early beginnings in Jenkin’s Lane to their later expansion and move to Silevekeale Road. The lecture will be chaired by Dr Gillian O’Brien and a short discussion will follow.

This event forms part of the Nano Nagle Place annual exhibition ‘Branching Out: The Presentation Sisters 1775-1828’ which is being launched during Heritage Week 2023. This exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across the country in the period before Catholic Emancipation.

Free event, no registration required.


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