Heritage Week – The Presentation Sisters in Wexford with Joe Rolston

Tuesday, 15th August, 18.00 – 19.00, Online Event

Joe Rolston will explore the foundation and early history of the Presentation Convent in Wexford Town. Joe was co-author fo the Presentation Wexford bicentenary celebration book ‘Going One Step Beyond’, marking 200 years of the sisters in Wexford 1818-2018 – a huge volume that details the rich life of the community and their schools. In his lecture, Joe will particularly focus on the early history of the convent and schools, and their development into the later 19th century.

This event forms part of the Nano Nagle Place annual exhibition ‘Branching Out: The Presentation Sisters 1775-1828’ which is being launched during Heritage Week 2023. This exhibition explores the spread of the Presentation Sisters across the country in the period before Catholic Emancipation.

This is a live, illustrated online lecture which will take place on Tuesday 15th August at 18.00.

Register for a link here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/the-story-of-the-presentation-sisters-in-wexford-tickets-694827877887?aff=oddtdtcreator

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