What did you know about Nano Nagle before being approached for the project?
I knew she was the founder of South Pres  and she had a huge relationship to Education as an educator and that her remains were in a tomb at South Pres.

How long did it take to form the concept and general idea?
I arrived at the concept rather quickly, over a period of a few weeks.

Water is hugely represented in your piece, was that your choice or a requested brief?
It was my choice, in many respects I created the brief for myself by considering the history of Nano Nagle herself, the South Presentation order in general and its worldwide influence on education in society. With regards to the water element I used the 3 major locations throughout Nano’s life all linked to water; The Blackwater, The Seine in Paris and the Lee in Cork.
Water of course is very much a spiritual significance in terms of it being a fundamental life-force. Water also comes into play in her travels. Nano traveling from Cork to the world, travel back then of course by sea and land to the furthest out reaches of the world.
It is also site specific, water is used to create a harmonious and peaceful presence. So the element of water present within the work links to that physical element.

Have you work anywhere else in a place similar to Nano Nagle Place?
Yes, in Christchurch Cathedral, the Aumbry in The Lady Chapel.
The Crematorium, Rocky Island, Cork –  the Crematorium doors and panels.
Portlaoise Parish Church-  a Tabernacle and curved glass reredos.
Cross at the entrance to CUH – Prayer Room – Tabernacle.
O Connors Funeral Home, Northgate Bridge, Cork – Large glass panel behind coffin area.

Have you other work locally?
Crematorium Cork,
CUH, Xray Dept,
Mercy Hospital – Emergency dept,
CUMH – Beths Bed

What would you like people to take away from this piece?
I would hope that the pieces would help link a connection in people’s minds to Nano Nagle Place and as the peaceful and spiritual experience.

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